Current Version:NET8
A Quick Design and Testing Demo:
Quick Start Tutorial for Designer Project:
1). In the command console, using the command npm install to download the node package.
please notice to run the command, the directory location is in the ClientApp path of the sfd project.
2). Set up the sfdapi project which is an webapi type project.(IIS is a choice)
3). Setting webapi variable in the kcofnig.js file
kconfig.webApiUrl = "http://localhost/sfdapic/" //your sfd webapi backend service url
4). In the command console, using the command npm run dev to the the project
5). Access the web project in the browser by
.NET/.NETCore Workflow Engine With Full Source Code
6. Process Version
the process has version property to upgrade a new definition due to the business process changed.
7. XML Cache
the runtime instance use cache to keep the XML process diagram by an expired duration.
8. Sequence Process Code Style
0). Model
//create a simple sequence process diagram by hand code rather than a HTML designer
var pmb = ProcessModelBuilder.CreateProcess("simple-process-name", "simple-process-code");
var process = pmb.Start("Start")
1). Start
//start a new process instance
IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService();
var wfResult = wfService.CreateRunner("10", "jack")
.UseApp("DS-100", "Book-Order", "DS-100-LX")
2). Run
//run a process instance to next step
IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService();
var wfResult = wfService.CreateRunner("10", "jack")
.UseApp("DS-100", "Book-Order", "DS-100-LX")
.NextStepInt("20", "Alice")
3). Withdraw
//Withdraw a activity instance to previous step
IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService();
var wfResult = wfService.CreateRunner("10", "Jack")
.UseApp("DS-100", "Book-Order", "DS-100-LX")
.OnTask(id) //TaskID
4). SendBack
//Sendback a activity instance to previous step
IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService();
var wfResult = wfService.CreateRunner("20", "Alice")
.UseApp("DS-100", "Book-Order", "DS-100-LX")
.OnTask(id) //TaskID
9. Rich demo projects
WebDemo, MvcDemo, and WinformDemo project are demonstrated for a different type of enterprise information systems.
10. Target
Slickflow is very suitable for software teams or companies who want to integrate workflow engine into their products.
11. Suggestions
Slickflow is suggested to give programmers a flexible way to integrate workflow engine components into their products or customer projects. The programmers can write their own code segments based on the engine component.
12. Open Source Project License
The product is under Slickflow Open Source Project license.
1). Slickflow software must be legally used, and should not be used in violation of the law, morality and other acts that endanger social interests;
2). Non-transferable, non-transferable and indivisible authorization of this software;
3). The source code can be modified to apply Slickflow components in their own projects or products, but Slickflow source code can not be separately encapsulated for sale or distributed to third-party users;
4). The intellectual property rights of Slickflow software shall be protected by law, and no documents such as technical data shall be made public or sold.
13. Commercial license
The enterprise, ultimate and universe version can be provided with a commercial license, technical support and upgrade service.
if you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us:
QQ(Author): 47743901
Wiki Page:
CodeProject Articles:
Slickflow website:
Designer Demo:
Form Builder
The online dynamic form demo:
The formbuilder project:
YouTube Workflow Pattern Video
Slickflow( 企业版:
QQ(Author): 47743901
WeChat(Author): besley2008
Slickflow 网站: (中文) (English)
Document 文档: (中文)
Donation 捐赠:
Your donation will be used for the continuous research and development of the product and community building